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UD Community Action Group (Mid-1970s through 1991)

Burton Fork, Bro. Don, and a house and barn burning down

The UD Community Action Group years were very exciting times in the history of UD's connection to Appalachia, and marked the beginnings of an institutional commitment. Check out UDCAGers reflections, memories, photos, and even a song.

A Summer in the Mountains

by Susan Griffin Ward, Summer of 1984 A few years ago I took my son, a high school senior, to tour UD. While we were waiting in Albert Emanuel Hall, a student wearing an Appalachia Club T-shirt sat down next to us. This was some serious serendipity; he was wearing was the very same T-shirt I wore in the 1980's when I was in the Appalachia Club.

Memories from 1976 and 1977

by Susan M. Mospens, PhD Some memories from 1976 and 1977: A tree trunk used to help support the ceiling in the dining room Hauling water in milk jugs into the house after filling them each day in town Watching a black snake eat a toad on the front lawn Lowering Junior down the well on a rope to retrieve the lost buckets at the bottom of the well.

Burton Fork: A Song by Chris Nauman

I graduated from UD in 1981 and spent that summer in Salyersville.  Many fond memories I have.  My wife, Suzy Moser Nauman, also spent that summer as a member of UDCAG (as it was known then).  We are reminded daily of our experience there by the watercolor painting that Bro. Don Smith gave us for our wedding.  It is a painting of the house that used to be on Burton Fork where we stayed.  I understand the house eventually burnt down.  But there it stands in our dining room still.
I have lots of stories to share but what, perhaps, might be unique is to share a song I wrote and subsequently recorded called, Burton Fork, reflecting on the good feelings of peace and happiness that Salyersville, its people, the Appalachia Club and my friends from that era evoke.

Campus Ministry's Center for Social Concern

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300 College Park Ave.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408
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